Since you started using Swikly, you may be getting certain frequently asked questions. Here are the main answers to help you answer them.


  • Is Swikly secure?
    • Of course ! Swikly is a perfectly secured online solution. Your bank imprint is never stored on our computer systems. It is only stored at our payment service provider Mangopay, which complies with the latest security standards.


  • Is the security deposit debited or blocked on my bank account?
    • No, by depositing your security deposit with Swikly, the amount is neither debited nor blocked on your bank account. At the end of the rental, your security deposit is automatically released.


  • When will the security deposit be released?
    • If everything went well during your rental, the security deposit expires automatically a few days after your departure. When your security deposit will be released, you will receive an email confirmation.